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Mastering App Usage: Achieving Top 20% Ranking on the Apple Store

The story of Tailorie and Atom6 is more than a case study; it's a testament to the power of empathy, collaboration, and a shared vision. It shows that when the right minds come together, extraordinary digital experiences can be created, and real-world problems can be solved.

Atom6 set out on the journey with Tailorie applying their deep knowledge and hands-on approach in a manner that was collaborative and supportive. An in-depth UX audit and real user metrics analyzes (Sky Rocket) was conducted, both part of the A6 Digital Product Methodology, which resulted in a well-defined process flow and culminated in the release of new features.

As a result, Tailorie ranks in the top 20% of all Social Media apps in the Apple app store for user retention and ranks in the highest tier of apps for total download volume.
Tailorie is an app designed to give authentic brand and product recommendations that are tailored to the individual user, founded by Brianne Osowski in 2019 but she began conceptualizing it in 2018.

Tailorie helps customers match with brands that align with their interests, tastes, and preferences. Tailorie’s mission is to “keep the economy colorful”.
Client Needs
Enhance user experience and increase user retention
Client Had
App looks great but low conversion
A6 Digital Product Methodology
A6 Audit / A6 Sky Rocket / UX Design / UI Design
TOP 0%

Ranking on the Apple Store


Increase in clickthroughs to brand sites

“Speaking of beta versions, from being a beta user of it myself, some things I noticed were that: you care a lot about the design and aesthetics, as it looks great and I could see the continual enhancements”

"You’re obviously doing something right as you communicate the company vision and capabilities, as you’ve developed a beautiful app"
John Machacek - CIO @GFMEDC - during an interview with Brianne Osowski
Learn about the process inside the A6 Sky Rocket


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Learn about the process inside the A6 Sky Rocket


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